Saturday, June 25, 2011

Tea for Teary Days.

{Photo credit: Good For You}

On rainy days I love to curl up on the sofa, with a cup of tea and read a good book. Today while cleaning out my book shelf I came across a list of 10 reasons to drink tea, in a Teaopia brochure, and I thought seeing as the weather has been so dodgy the last two days I would share it with you...

10 Reasons to Drink Tea

1. Lose Weight, Stay Alert and Protect your Heart
2. Fight Diseases
3.Drink to your Health
4.Boost your Memory
5. Reduce Stress
6.Age Gracefully
7.Lowers Cholesterol
8.Ease Arthritis
9.Oral Health
10.Stay Hydrated

So I am going to go make myself a cup of tea now. Hope you have a lovely Saturday afternoon.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Things To Love Thursday

{Photo Credit: The Ballerina Project}

*WHAT TIME IS IT? SUMMER TIME!!!* Summer Music* Swimming* Beaches* Summer Clothes* Anything Summer Basically* Staring my Nannying job in just under one week* Having a shedual for my job made out detailing every ounce of my summer* re-connecting a friend* Vitamin-D* Summer Food... mmm salads and BBQ* Friends prom on the twenty ninth... I think I am more excited to see them than they are for it to happen* Smiles* Hot Yoga* Summer Dance Classes*  

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hello again, it's me SUMMER!

Well I'm back, and this time for good. Thank you all for your patience with me and my scarce posts. Now that exams are all done and school is out for the summer, I am going to post frequently! 

So as the official kick off to summer, I thought I should share with you the top five reasons I am excited  about this summer...

NUMBER ONE: My house and swimming in the lake
NUMBER TWO: Camping Trips with Friends

NUMBER THREE: Trips to random attractions outside of town

NUMBER FOUR: Summer Dresses
NUMBER FIVE: Bathing Suits