Tuesday, January 29, 2013


When I was three YOU were the person I named my toothbrush after. YOU taught me to rock climb. YOU were my partner in the kindergarten quite corner. YOU were twelve, I was five. YOU were a valentines card. I chased YOU around the playground all of recess. I used to take the long way home just so I could walk with YOU half of the way. I liked YOUR hair. YOU were nothing short of an obsession. I carried YOUR name around in a locket. YOU were my lab partner. YOU were, and are still my biggest fear. I still think of YOU. YOU were a mistake that I made too many times. YOU played me better than Mozart played his piano. YOU'VE only ever been a good friend. YOU never spoke. YOU... I was a tad drunk. YOU were "just a bit" narcissistic. YOU are the definition of pushy. YOU were looking at my best friend the entire time. One day YOU will be nothing but mine.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

ElEmEntary my dEar.

Who am I kidding! I'm chainEd to this wall. YEt I'vE bEEn trainEd to EmpathizE so I call it "my past."

WhEn rEally it is nothing morE than shackEls- the bonds of a tapE worm- rEgardlEss of the amount I consumE, I always End up bEing a littlE lEss with Each passing day.

You'rE tiEd to this wall too. It might bE a diffErEnt shadE of grEy but it's still the samE isn't it?

I lookEd to my lEft yEstErday and saw you thErE, bEsidE mE.

All I'vE bEEn hoping for sincE that introduction is for both of our rElEasE.
So that wE could look at Each othEr facE to facE, instEad of stEaling profilE glancEs.

But I'vE grown impatiEnt with this foolish faith.

NEithEr of us will EvEr bE uncuffEd.
HowEvEr maybE wE can find fifty hErE.