Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tribute Tuesday

{photo credit: Snowville Creamery}
So since I started this blog I have wanted to do a Tribute Tuesday to the people/ bloggers who inspired me to try blogging...

The first part of this tribute has to go out to An Avenue Homesteader, a long time family friend and excellent blogger. On a visit this past summer she mentioned her blog and suggested that I start one about my experiences as a nanny. Though my blog did not end up solely being about any one topic, I must attribute the planting of blog seeds in my brain to her.

The second part of this tribute goes out to The One In Pink. Around the beginning of March I came down with a rather bad case of the flu, and was home sick for about a week. During this week I came across T.O.I.P and I was inspired by the simple layout, and variety of topics on her blog. Most blogs I had seen or read to that date had been devoted singularly to one topic. That fact largely contributed to my hesitance about starting to blog, I was so worried that I would choose to focus on a topic that a week or two down the road I would no longer feel any inspiration to write about. So I must thank T.O.I.P. for shining a new light on blogs for me. Once I started A Dancing Attitude, T.O.I.P continued to inspire such things as the simple "no frills layout, and I should definitely credit the idea for Things To Love Thursday's to her (Things I Love Thursday's).

The Third and final part of my tribute goes out to Eternal BreakThru. A fellow blogger and friend who gave me some advice which finally coaxed me into becoming a blogger.

So a big thank you to these three lovely bloggers who inspired A Dancing Attitude to start typing!


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